Community Resource Patient Handouts
Authored by
the Community Resource Center
This page lists all of the CRC's patient community resource handouts in one place. All of these handouts are also linked under the pertinent topics elsewhere on our site.
We encourage you to also see those topics for other important information and resources, including any handouts created by community agencies.
- Accommodations List and Translations
- Adoption Resources (4/23)
- Baby Supplies (3/24)- Spanish version (3/24), Haitian Creole version (3/24), Portuguese version (3/24), Traditional Chinese version (3/24)
- Cash Assistance/Disability- Cash Assistance for Massachusetts Residents with Disabilities.
Two versions: Brief | Detailed
- Cash for Caretaking- Can I get paid for caring for a frail or disabled relative or friend?
Two versions: Brief | Detailed (rev 5/22)
- Child Care- Subsidized (8/24)
- Clothing Resources (rev 11/24)
- Community Resources - Overview (MA) (2/24)
Spanish version (10/22), Haitian Creole version (10/22), Portuguese version (10/22), Traditional Chinese version (10/22)
- Counseling Resource Handouts- Massachusetts (9/23), Connecticut (3/24), Maine (2/24), New Hampshire (2/24), New York (3/24), Rhode Island (3/24), Vermont (3/24)
- Doulas and Nighttime Newborn Care (2/23)
- Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Companies (6/19)
- Elder Services: State-Funded Elder Home Care (Massachusetts) (5/24)- Spanish version (5/23), Haitian Creole version (5/23), Portuguese version (5/23),Traditional Chinese version (5/23)
- Early Retirement or Disability? Should I Apply for Disability or Take Early Retirement? (3/23)
- Emergency Financial Assistance Funds - Detailed version (rev 7/23)
- Food- Local Access to Food List Adult | Pedi (rev 3/23)
- Food/Nutrition Assistance- Food and Nutrition Assistance Options for Massachusetts Residents
Two versions: Brief | Detailed
- Formula- Infant Formula Shortage handout (10/22)
- Funeral/Burial- Resources for Final Arrangements: A Guide for Loved Ones- Spanish version (9/23), Haitian Creole version (9/23), Brazilian Portuguese version (9/23), Traditional Chinese version (9/23)
- Includes financial assistance, reducing costs, transporting a body out of state, donating a body or skeleton to medical science, local funeral homes and bereavement resources.
- Also see: our Funeral/Burial Resources page for the Survivors of Homicide guide, for individual printable sections of our funeral/burial guide, and additional resources.
- Home Care for Adults with Disabilities Under Age 60 (MA) (1/23)
- Homemaker Services (under age 60) - Home Care Assistance Program (HCAP) - MA Rehab Commission program for adults with disabilities, under age 60 (handout covers this program only and in more detail than in the Home Care for Adults with Disabilities Under Age 60 handout above)
- Home Modification Resources (MA) (rev 7/23)
Overview of Community Resources - See Community Resources above
Paid Family and Medical Leave Act (PFML) - MA program: Brief and Detailed handouts (rev 1/25)
PFML for Pregnancy and New Parents (1/25)- Spanish version (1/25), Haitian Creole version (1/25), Portuguese version (1/25), Traditional Chinese version (1/25)
PCA Program - See MassHealth PCA program
Personal Emergency Response Systems ("Lifeline") - Paying for Personal Emergency Response Systems (rev 7/23)
RAFT (Residential Assistance for Families in Transition) - MA homelessness prevention funds - 9/23
Self-Help Groups at MGH (for Substance Use Disorders - note no such groups are currently operating in-person onsite due to COVID restrictions; list gives contact info for groups to find other options. 9/22)
Social Security Survivors Benefits (7/23)
Utility Assistance (Massachusetts) Spanish version, Haitian Creole version, Brazilian Portuguese version, Traditional Chinese version- includes financial assistance programs, shut-off protections and managing past-due bills.